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Walking for Rice App is a fun and fitness kindness app. It is developed to pursuit the deeper meaning of walking and achieve effective health goals. You can make a worldly difference and get healthier – just by walking.

This App will measure your walk by counting your steps, implementing your walk intensity levels for personal health improvement, while contributing to the community.

Here is how it works: everyday you can choose your health goals. The basic level starts with walking 4000 steps including a 5 Mins fast-walk intensity . The highest level and cap per day is 10000 steps with a required 30 Mins fast-walk intensity to earn “180 heart points”. A total of “1000 heart points” will convert into 1 rice unit.

The accumulated Rice units will go into Rice Pool (organized by P.E.A.C.E – Policy & Economic Alliance Caring of Earth). PEACE is also an official Actor of U.N. Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and supports the Sustainable Development Goals to alleviate hunger issues, improve health, combat climate change, restore and protect our ecosystem.

More Features & Benefits:

Clubs / Partners: Create your own clubs and partners with family, friends, classmates, neighbors, walking buddies, company associates, NGOs.. etc. This social feature enables participants to stay actively connected and work together towards a common goal.

Ranking / Leaderboard: Track each other’s scores on a local level or a regional level. This feature is an effective tool for motivation, cooperation, and team building for specific goals.

Medals / Badges: This feature will benefit your desire to be rewarded for your achievements and persistent streaks. It is designed to compete with yourself and conquer your own bests. Consistency is key.

For a healthier tomorrow, everyday counts! Keep walking and do good.